Tonight like every Wednesday night, we helped with YouthQuake. That is the name of our youth Group at our church. We have over 20 students in 7th - 12th grade in the group. These are all great kids, many of which I had when they were in 3rd grade in my Sunday School class. It is nice to see them grow up, yet I feel there is so much more they need to learn and soak up before they leave high school.
Tonight we talked about Forgiveness. In Ephesians 4:32 the Bible instructs us to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. The illustration of the
Amish schoolhouse shooting was discussed. This happened a few months ago about 8 miles from our church. The Amish forgave the shooter and his family and in fact reached out to helped the wife and children of the man who did this horrible act. The question is Would any of us be able to do the same. When we don't forgive it creates bitterness, and anger. Those stand between us and God when we hang on to them. Take time this Christmas season to forgive someone if you have been holding on to a wrong someone did against you or a loved one.
Last Saturday I took five of the girls from our small group to see
"Oliver!" at the theatre in Lancaster. We all enjoyed it so much and the songs have been stuck in my head ever since. I love musicals.

And that is what inspires me to smile!