Thursday, March 8, 2007

Hogan goes on a adventure!

It was last Friday night March 2nd that this little adventure took place. Dennis and I had joined up with our youth and leaders from our church to go to a weekend retreat. My oldest son Randy volunteered to watch Hogan and Tucker for us while we were away.
We had just finished midnight room checks and were drifting into a sound sleep when I heard my cell phone ringing. When I answered Randy said to me Mom the worse thing has happened! My first thought was that our house had burnt down. But he quickly told me that Hogan had broke the leash and ran off while Randy was out walking him.
Randy apparently had been trying to catch him for a good 45 minutes, when a man stopped for him to use his cell phone to call us. I could tell Randy was ready to give up. We felt so helpless because we didn't have any way of traveling home to help. I quickly told Randy to keep trying to catch him and that I would call for someone to try to help him. Well my dear brother-in-law was to unlucky one to get the call from me asking to get out of his warm bed and go and help find our run away dog. What a good guy he was to agree to help. I owe him and my sister big time. Meanwhile we call Dan our younger son to come pick up Dennis from the retreat and take him home to help in the search. Dan also was asleep when we called. So let me catch you up to speed. Dennis is in the truck with Dan getting ready to leave Harrisburg to head from home, Cheryl and John are heading over to our house to help and I get a phone call from Randy that he has the dog home and back in his kennel!
I quickly called Dan to bring Dennis back, got hold of John & Cheryl, but they were already up at our house, and called Randy back to profusely thank him for getting the dog home. It all seemed like A bad dream. Thinking back on it now, I can say I am inspired to smile but at the time I just wanted to go back to sleep!

1 comment:

Lamar The Revenger said...

that dog is lucky. extremely lucky.