We were not one of the devoted shoppers that were trying to find a parking spot at Rockvale at midnight, or one of the early risers that were out for the early bird specials. But Dennis did take Samantha and myself out shopping mid morning.
The parking lot at the Mall was filled. My dear husband drove right pass a prime parking spot(one of the only empty ones we could find that was the third spot into the row) because it had some soda cups sitting in it and he didn't think it would be good to get soda on the car! If I were driving we would have been parked there and on our way into the mall. But instead we were still circling the lot looking for anyone that was heading towards a car to leave. We finally found one and headed into the mall.
The hustle and bustle of the crowd was exciting. I think it goes back to my early childhood where shopping after the Thanksgiving holiday was something my sisters and I always did with my mom and grandmother Trimble. After about two hours of shopping we left the mall with only a new set of flannel sheets for our bed. We went to Office Max for a new scanner only to find out they only stock the ones that are on printers now. So we bought a printer scanner even though our printer worked fine. We then thought lets head across the lot to Circuit City. We hit the jack pot there. We walked out with a 37 inch Sylvania flat LCD Screen TV. They were having great sales and we had Christmas money from my mom that was burning a hole in our pockets. It was around 8pm when we headed back out to Target to purchase a mounting bracket to mount it onto our wall in the family room. Of course while we were there other things just seemed to good of a deal to pass up and we ended up spending too much.
Shopping today was fun, but now we have to start shopping for those on our list!

And that is why I am inspired to smile!
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